Sunday, October 31, 2004
The Buying of the President 2004 - The Center for Public Integrity
The Buying of the President 2004 - The Center for Public Integrity: "Bush gets nearly four times as much as Kerry"
Money talks.
Money talks.
Why I hate the phrase "Long Running Transactions"...
Why I hate the phrase "Long Running Transactions"...: "Work flows across services and businesses in ways that do not magically 'undo' even if you do master the use of compensations rather than the classic 'undo' of replacing the before values. The behavior of our interconnected systems is more an integration of lots of disparate work into summaries. " - DOD warned about Halliburton contracts
The only amazing fact about this issue is how late it seems to lead into a formal investigation. Contrast that with all the efforts and special prosecution that went into Whitewatergate, Monikagat etc., how little came out of that - and one really wonders why noone has been looking into this obvious conflict of interest way earlier and with way more depth? - DOD warned about Halliburton contracts: "Corps officials initially justified stopping the bidding by concluding that a 'compelling emergency' would exist if Halliburton's work was interrupted.
However, when Greenhouse challenged the justification and sought an explanation of the emergency, Corps officials changed their reasoning. The new explanation was that Halliburton subsidiary KBR was the 'one and only' company that could do the job.
Greenhouse wrote Strock on Oct. 5 that 'the truth should be clearly explained' about the reason for halting competition.
She not only complained there was no explanation of what drove officials to cite an emergency, but, referring to the second justification, added, 'It is not reasonable to believe that only one source responded to the solicitation.'
Greenhouse, who has said she was frozen out of decisions on Halliburton, went public last weekend with allegations that Army officials showed favoritism to the company. "
The Army has cited severe problems with Halliburton's work in the Balkans, many of them documented in a Jan. 4, 2002, report by Greenhouse — who reviewed findings of investigators known as a "tiger" team.
"The general feeling in the theater is that the contractor is 'out of control,'" she wrote. "There is little or no incentive for the contractor to reduce or keep cost down."
Greenhouse said it appeared the Halliburton subsidiary "makes the decisions of what is constructed, purchased or provided and it appears that oftentimes the products and services delivered reflect gold-plating since the contractor proudly touts that they provide the very, very best." - DOD warned about Halliburton contracts: "Corps officials initially justified stopping the bidding by concluding that a 'compelling emergency' would exist if Halliburton's work was interrupted.
However, when Greenhouse challenged the justification and sought an explanation of the emergency, Corps officials changed their reasoning. The new explanation was that Halliburton subsidiary KBR was the 'one and only' company that could do the job.
Greenhouse wrote Strock on Oct. 5 that 'the truth should be clearly explained' about the reason for halting competition.
She not only complained there was no explanation of what drove officials to cite an emergency, but, referring to the second justification, added, 'It is not reasonable to believe that only one source responded to the solicitation.'
Greenhouse, who has said she was frozen out of decisions on Halliburton, went public last weekend with allegations that Army officials showed favoritism to the company. "
The Army has cited severe problems with Halliburton's work in the Balkans, many of them documented in a Jan. 4, 2002, report by Greenhouse — who reviewed findings of investigators known as a "tiger" team.
"The general feeling in the theater is that the contractor is 'out of control,'" she wrote. "There is little or no incentive for the contractor to reduce or keep cost down."
Greenhouse said it appeared the Halliburton subsidiary "makes the decisions of what is constructed, purchased or provided and it appears that oftentimes the products and services delivered reflect gold-plating since the contractor proudly touts that they provide the very, very best."
Friday, October 29, 2004 - FBI investigates Halliburton complaint - Oct 28, 2004 - FBI investigates Halliburton complaint - Oct 28, 2004: "The FBI has made a formal request to interview the Army Corps of Engineers chief contracting officer who has alleged her agency unfairly awarded no-bid contracts worth billions of dollars to a Halliburton subsidiary for work in Iraq, law enforcement sources said Thursday" - Politics, gas fuel battle over forest - Oct 29, 2004
It's all about special interest: - Politics, gas fuel battle over forest - Oct 29, 2004: "A Texas energy company may get rights to drill in a pristine swath of a New Mexico national forest after a White House task force intervened on its behalf, a move that has become a hot issue in the battleground state before next week's presidential election." - Politics, gas fuel battle over forest - Oct 29, 2004: "A Texas energy company may get rights to drill in a pristine swath of a New Mexico national forest after a White House task force intervened on its behalf, a move that has become a hot issue in the battleground state before next week's presidential election."
The New York Times > Washington > The Billions: F.B.I. Investigating Contracts With Halliburton
The New York Times > Washington > The Billions: F.B.I. Investigating Contracts With Halliburton: "Ms. Greenhouse, in an Oct. 21 letter to the acting Army secretary, charged that officials had shown favoritism toward Halliburton, the Houston-based conglomerate formerly led by Vice President Dick Cheney, in the awarding and oversight of the oil contract. She also said officials at the Army Corps of Engineers had tried to remove her as chief contract monitor after she raised persistent questions about Halliburton contracts."
Zweifel am US-Wahlsystem: Wenn der Verlierer gewinnt - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Zweifel am US-Wahlsystem: Wenn der Verlierer gewinnt - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE: "'The winner takes all'
Amerikaner w�hlen anders. Das wei� die Welt sp�testens seit dem Wahldebakel von 2000, als der Kandidat mit den meisten Stimmen (48,38 Prozent) zum Verlierer erkl�rt wurde und der Kandidat mit dem niedrigeren Stimmanteil (47,87 Prozent) ins Wei�e Haus zog. Denn auf die tats�chliche Stimmenzahl kommt es beim indirekten US-Wahlrecht ja nicht an, sondern auf die regionale Verteilung der Wahlm�nner. Und manchmal l�uft das dann eben darauf hinaus, dass der popul�rste Mann verliert; Al Gore war da nicht der Erste. "
Amerikaner w�hlen anders. Das wei� die Welt sp�testens seit dem Wahldebakel von 2000, als der Kandidat mit den meisten Stimmen (48,38 Prozent) zum Verlierer erkl�rt wurde und der Kandidat mit dem niedrigeren Stimmanteil (47,87 Prozent) ins Wei�e Haus zog. Denn auf die tats�chliche Stimmenzahl kommt es beim indirekten US-Wahlrecht ja nicht an, sondern auf die regionale Verteilung der Wahlm�nner. Und manchmal l�uft das dann eben darauf hinaus, dass der popul�rste Mann verliert; Al Gore war da nicht der Erste. " - Das Weblog von - Das Weblog von "Sieben Prozent der amerikanischen Waehler sollen noch unentschieden sein. Schauen wir 'mal, was diese Zauderer diese Woche in der Zeitung lesen: 380 Tonnen hochexplosiven Sprengstoffs im Irak spurlos verschwunden. Die Massenvernichtungswaffen, die als Kriegsgrund herhalten mussten, hat es nie gegeben. Aber das Sprengstofflager, das den UN-Waffeninspektoren lange vor Kriegsbeginn bekannt war, ist von den einmarschierenden Amerikanern schlicht ignoriert worden. Die 50 jungen irakischen Soldaten, die, frisch ausgebildet fuer die Verteidigung ihrer blutjungenDemokratie, hingemetzelt wurden, waren in den US-Zeitungen im Bild zu sehen (sehr ungewoehnlich!). Der Irak-Krieg wird bis spaetestens Februar kommenden Jahres 225 Milliarden Dollar verschlungen haben (als Kerry von 200 Milliarden sprach, haben ihn die Bush-Juenger fast gesteinigt). Und mit einem weiteren juristischen Kniff hat die CIA es hingekriegt, dass fuer einige der Kriegsgefangenen im Irak die Genfer Konvention nicht gilt (anders als von Bush versprochen). Dabei handelt es sich um die sogenannten 'ghost detainees', die gezielt vor dem Roten Kreuz versteckt worden sind. Schwer vorstellbar, dass es angesichts dieser Nachrichtenlage ueberhaupt noch Unentschiedene geben soll... "
Wiederaufbau im Irak: FBI �berpr�ft umstrittene Auftr�ge an Halliburton - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Is this the smoking gun?Wiederaufbau im Irak: FBI �berpr�ft umstrittene Auftr�ge an Halliburton - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE: "Immer wieder kritisierten US-Rechnungspr�fer die Auftragsvergaben des Verteidigungsministeriums f�r den Wiederaufbau im Irak an den Halliburton-Konzern - eine Firma, deren fr�herer Chef der heutige Bush-Vize Dick Cheney war. F�nf Tage vor den Pr�sidentschaftswahlen hat das FBI jetzt Ermittlungen aufgenommen."
Two years before 9/11, candidate Bush was already talking privately about attacking Iraq, according to his former ghost writer
Guerrilla News Network: "He told me that as a leader, you can never admit to a mistake, Herskowitz said. That was one of the keys to being a leader."
I couldn't disagree any stronger!
I couldn't disagree any stronger! - Deja vu as Florida struggles to hold pristine election - Oct 28, 2004
Sounding familiar? Looks like this thing is already threatening to get out of hand before it really started ... - Deja vu as Florida struggles to hold pristine election - Oct 28, 2004: "Lawsuits, missing absentee ballots and accusations of bias -- from afar Tuesday's presidential election in Florida already looks like the Third World-style fiasco of 2000 that everyone wanted to avoid.
But election officials in the state run by President Bush's brother insist a massive turnout for early, pre-Election Day voting and a growing capacity to deal with lengthy queues show that Florida will get it right." - Deja vu as Florida struggles to hold pristine election - Oct 28, 2004: "Lawsuits, missing absentee ballots and accusations of bias -- from afar Tuesday's presidential election in Florida already looks like the Third World-style fiasco of 2000 that everyone wanted to avoid.
But election officials in the state run by President Bush's brother insist a massive turnout for early, pre-Election Day voting and a growing capacity to deal with lengthy queues show that Florida will get it right."
The Onion | What Do You Think?
The Onion | What Do You Think?: "As the war in Iraq drags on, some Americans fear reinstatement of the military draft. What do you think?"
Thursday, October 28, 2004
What Makes 100%?
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint, it goes like this:
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+! 7+5 = 96 %
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
AND, look how far ass kissing will take you
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 127%
Thus, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that, while Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, Bullshit and Ass kissing will put you over the top.
Thanks, Andrea!
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+! 7+5 = 96 %
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
AND, look how far ass kissing will take you
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 127%
Thus, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that, while Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, Bullshit and Ass kissing will put you over the top.
Thanks, Andrea!
Bush Exposed - the Most Comprehensive Anti-Bush Blog on the Web.
Bush Exposed - the Most Comprehensive Anti-Bush Blog on the Web.: "This Bush is the worst president ever because no other president turned unprecedented peace and prosperity into terror, 'war,' fear, recession, and then a prolonged jobless snail's-pace teetering on yet another recession barley recovery that will never again turn into prosperity for all. They have ruined the lives of millions of Americans, and they want even more of the same to continue forever. Bush will take a victory as a mandate for even more of the same, and that's a recipe for complete disaster."
Great view of Luna Eclipse in Seattle

Luna Eclipse in Seattle

"Moonlight magic A sailboat on Lake Washington basks in the glow last night as the total lunar eclipse begins with a sliver of shadow starting its journey across the moon. Bellevue is in the background."
It could have been raining - or at least cloudy ...
The Seattle Times Home Page
The Seattle Times Home Page:
Moonlight magic
"A sailboat on Lake Washington basks in the glow last night as the total lunar eclipse begins with a sliver of shadow starting its journey across the moon. Bellevue is in the background."
And it could have been raining ... or at least cloudy!
Moonlight magic
"A sailboat on Lake Washington basks in the glow last night as the total lunar eclipse begins with a sliver of shadow starting its journey across the moon. Bellevue is in the background."
And it could have been raining ... or at least cloudy! - Electoral College tie�could be mother of all messes - Oct 27, 2004
You wonder whether the high powers would be ready to consider reforming the electoral system should this actually happen next week:
Electoral College tie could be mother of all messes - Oct 27, 2004: "A freak tie result in the U.S. presidential election could mean the House of Representatives would choose the next president, a scenario that would favor Republican incumbent Bush.
But since the Senate would decide the vice presidency, Bush could end up with Democrat John Edwards."
Electoral College tie could be mother of all messes - Oct 27, 2004: "A freak tie result in the U.S. presidential election could mean the House of Representatives would choose the next president, a scenario that would favor Republican incumbent Bush.
But since the Senate would decide the vice presidency, Bush could end up with Democrat John Edwards."
President Bush: Flip-Flopper-In-Chief - American Progress Action Fund
President Bush: Flip-Flopper-In-Chief - American Progress Action Fund: "From the beginning, George W. Bush has made his own credibility a central issue. On 10/11/00, then-Gov. Bush said: 'I think credibility is important.It is going to be important for the president to be credible with Congress, important for the president to be credible with foreign nations.' But President Bush's serial flip-flopping raises serious questions about whether Congress and foreign leaders can rely on what he says."
See Ya Later Bush!
Who do you think said this?
See Ya Later Bush!: "'The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.'"
See Ya Later Bush!: "'The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.'"
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
The New Yorker: The Talk of the Town
The New Yorker: The Talk of the Town: " In campaigning for America�s mainstream restoration, Kerry has insisted that this election ought to be decided on the urgent issues of our moment, the issues that will define American life for the coming half century. That insistence is a measure of his character. He is plainly the better choice. As observers, reporters, and commentators we will hold him to the highest standards of honesty and performance. For now, as citizens, we hope for his victory."
This is a pretty comprehensive overview site:
No Direct Evidence of Plot To Attack Around Elections (
No Direct Evidence of Plot To Attack Around Elections ( "U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials say they have found no direct evidence of an election-related terrorist plot. Authorities also say that a key CIA source who had claimed knowledge of such plans has been discredited, casting doubt on one of the earliest pieces of evidence pointing to a possible attack. "
Monday, October 25, 2004
Top News Article |
Top News Article "Two senators said on Sunday they were troubled by a report that U.S. intelligence officials secretly transferred as many as a dozen detainees out of Iraq in the last six months, possibly violating international treaties.
In an interview on ABC's 'This Week,' Sen. John McCain, an Arizona Republican who has campaigned for President Bush in his re-election bid, warned against violating international treaties that aim to ensure humane treatment of prisoners and civilians during a war.
'These conventions and these rules are in place for a reason, because you get on a slippery slope and you don't know where to get off,' McCain, who was held prisoner by the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War, said.
'The thing that separates us from the enemy is our respect for human rights.' "
Then I don't understand how McCain can campaign for this president?!
In an interview on ABC's 'This Week,' Sen. John McCain, an Arizona Republican who has campaigned for President Bush in his re-election bid, warned against violating international treaties that aim to ensure humane treatment of prisoners and civilians during a war.
'These conventions and these rules are in place for a reason, because you get on a slippery slope and you don't know where to get off,' McCain, who was held prisoner by the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War, said.
'The thing that separates us from the enemy is our respect for human rights.' "
Then I don't understand how McCain can campaign for this president?!
VOA News - IAEA Says Tons of Powerful Explosives Missing from Iraq
VOA News - IAEA Says Tons of Powerful Explosives Missing from Iraq: "The International Atomic Energy Agency says several hundred tons of high explosive material have disappeared in Iraq. The agency says a lack of security has led to looting from several sites.
IAEA spokeswoman, Melissa Fleming, says the agency has information from the Iraqi Ministry of Science and Technology that around 350 tons of high explosives are missing.
'The Iraqi ministry attributed this loss to theft and looting due to lack of security,' he said. 'They were not clear when it might have been stolen, also they were not clear where it might be. The biggest concern is the threat if these explosives have fallen into the wrong hands.'
Ms. Fleming says it would be a big operation to remove such large amounts of material that were stored in several bunkers. "
IAEA spokeswoman, Melissa Fleming, says the agency has information from the Iraqi Ministry of Science and Technology that around 350 tons of high explosives are missing.
'The Iraqi ministry attributed this loss to theft and looting due to lack of security,' he said. 'They were not clear when it might have been stolen, also they were not clear where it might be. The biggest concern is the threat if these explosives have fallen into the wrong hands.'
Ms. Fleming says it would be a big operation to remove such large amounts of material that were stored in several bunkers. "
Top News Article |
Top News Article | "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Army Corps of Engineers' top contracting official has demanded an investigation into contracts given to Halliburton, citing 'improper action' that favored Vice President Dick Cheney's old company.
According to documents made available to Reuters on Monday by congressional sources, Army Corps whistle-blower Bunnantine Greenhouse complained of 'repeated interference' in billions of dollars of contracts given to Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root for work in Iraq and the Balkans. "
According to documents made available to Reuters on Monday by congressional sources, Army Corps whistle-blower Bunnantine Greenhouse complained of 'repeated interference' in billions of dollars of contracts given to Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root for work in Iraq and the Balkans. " - Kerry slams Bush over missing explosives - Oct 25, 2004 - Kerry slams Bush over missing explosives - Oct 25, 2004: "'This is one of the great blunders of Iraq, one of the great blunders of this administration. And the incredible incompetence of this president and this administration has put our troops at risk and put this country at greater risk than it ought to be.'
The International Atomic Energy Agency revealed Monday that 380 tons of powerful, conventional explosives are missing from the Al Qaqaa facility south of Baghdad, an area that was supposed to be under American military control. "
The International Atomic Energy Agency revealed Monday that 380 tons of powerful, conventional explosives are missing from the Al Qaqaa facility south of Baghdad, an area that was supposed to be under American military control. "
OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
Last night we watched OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism:
"Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a 'race to the bottom' in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know."
From what I have seen before, the only thing that seems to be comparable to this kind of propaganda is probably Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler's
"Schwarzer Kanal", the weekly pitch from the chief propagandist of the former East Germany about why the West was so bad and - in his view - bound to run itself out of business.
"Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a 'race to the bottom' in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know."
From what I have seen before, the only thing that seems to be comparable to this kind of propaganda is probably Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler's
"Schwarzer Kanal", the weekly pitch from the chief propagandist of the former East Germany about why the West was so bad and - in his view - bound to run itself out of business.
The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Why Bush spells victory on Nov. 2
The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Why Bush spells victory on Nov. 2: "There is good reason to believe that Bush will lose. The latest New York Times/CBS News poll continued to show Bush weakening on key indicators; his job approval rating is at an all-time low at 44 percent, and over half those surveyed, 59 percent, see the country headed in the wrong direction. The country remains evenly divided but even more polarized than it was in 2000. Whoever wins will have a formidable task simply coping with the aftermath. The candidate least likely to bridge the partisan divide is the one I expect to win, Bush. "
President Kerry and Europe (
President Kerry and Europe ( "As a contemporary historian, I conclude that some Republican presidents have done great things for Europe.
Ronald Reagan's dramatic turn from arms race to detente, in response to the emergence of Mikhail Gorbachev, was one such. The current president's father, George H.W. Bush, made the peaceful liberation of Central Europe possible by his wise and mature statecraft. But not this Bush, not this time. "
Ronald Reagan's dramatic turn from arms race to detente, in response to the emergence of Mikhail Gorbachev, was one such. The current president's father, George H.W. Bush, made the peaceful liberation of Central Europe possible by his wise and mature statecraft. But not this Bush, not this time. "
Kerry for President (
Kerry for President ( "We do not view a vote for Mr. Kerry as a vote without risks. But the risks on the other side are well known, and the strengths Mr. Kerry brings are considerable. He pledges both to fight in Iraq and to reach out to allies; to hunt down terrorists, and to engage without arrogance the Islamic world. These are the right goals, and we think Mr. Kerry is the better bet to achieve them. "
Sunday, October 24, 2004
US-Wahlkampf: Pleitenserie f�r Bush - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE
US-Wahlkampf: Pleitenserie f�r Bush - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE: "US-Pr�sident Bush hat an diesem Wochenende viel einstecken m�ssen: Seine Warnung vor einem Terror-Anschlag vor der Pr�sidentschaftswahl basierte auf einer Erfindung, bei der Registrierung von W�hlern soll gemauschelt worden sein, und immer mehr Zeitungen schlagen sich auf die Seite von Herausforderer John Kerry."
Saturday, October 23, 2004
George Says...
George Says...: "How it works:
Just type in what you want George to say in the text box. Then choose a pose for George and a background (clicking those links will get you a list of thumbnail-size previews). Then click 'Go'. A custom George Says comic will be generated for you!"
Just type in what you want George to say in the text box. Then choose a pose for George and a background (clicking those links will get you a list of thumbnail-size previews). Then click 'Go'. A custom George Says comic will be generated for you!"
Zeitungsbericht: Bushs Terrorwarnung basierte auf Erfindung - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Zeitungsbericht: Bushs Terrorwarnung basierte auf Erfindung - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE: "Mit dramatischen Worten hatte US-Pr�sident George W. Bush davor gewarnt, Terroristen planten einen verheerenden Anschlag, um den Ausgang der Pr�sidentschaftswahl in den USA zu beeinflussen. Doch einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge waren die Hinweise auf den Anschlag von einem Geheimdienstmitarbeiter frei erfunden worden."
The seperate realities of Bush and Kerry Supporters
Congratulations Foxnews - mission accomplished!
US elections: 10 thousands of voter should be registered more than once - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE
It hasn't really started yet and it seems to already be going wrong:
US-Wahlpannen: Zehntausende W�hler sollen mehrfach registriert sein - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE: "Kurz vor der amerikanischen Pr�sidentenwahl werden immer neue Pannen bekannt. Eine Zeitung in Orlando berichtet, dass rund 68.000 W�hler in mehreren Bundesstaaten registriert sind. Die Unregelm��igkeiten treten auch in Florida auf, das bei der letzten Wahl entscheidend f�r den Sieg Bushs war."
US-Wahlpannen: Zehntausende W�hler sollen mehrfach registriert sein - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE: "Kurz vor der amerikanischen Pr�sidentenwahl werden immer neue Pannen bekannt. Eine Zeitung in Orlando berichtet, dass rund 68.000 W�hler in mehreren Bundesstaaten registriert sind. Die Unregelm��igkeiten treten auch in Florida auf, das bei der letzten Wahl entscheidend f�r den Sieg Bushs war."
Warmongers and military service
Its almost surreal ...
Friday, October 22, 2004
Globalvote 2004 - where non-americans get to vote - have your say in the US election
Globalvote 2004 - where non-americans get to vote - have your say in the US election: "Even if you are not a US citizen, the November 2 presidential election will have a huge impact on your life. The very idea of democracy requires that you should have a say in choosing who determines your destiny. This site therefore allows non-Americans to vote in the 2004 US presidential election. "
Exactly what I was waiting for!
Exactly what I was waiting for!
Russian Duma ratifies Kyoto-Protocol - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Even the Russian Duma has just ratified the Kyoto protocol. Will the U.S. ever recognize its responsibility as the world's leading nation as creator of greenhouse gases?
Klimaschutz: Russische Duma ratifiziert Kyoto-Protokoll - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Klimaschutz: Russische Duma ratifiziert Kyoto-Protokoll - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Opinion: Polls Apart - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Many experts have predicted that neither candidate will win a decisive victory. We might indeed have a razor-thin margin and even a replay of the disputed election of 2000. But the swings in sentiment in the polls have been so wide to suggest the possibility that one candidate could take a decisive lead by Election Day.
Or not.Opinion: Polls Apart - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Or not.Opinion: Polls Apart - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Thursday, October 21, 2004
US Elections: Fearing Friends - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Americans are heading to the polls, and concerns in Germany are rising about the outcome of the election. The problem isn't as simple as you might think. If Kerry wins, Berlin expects stepped up pressure to send troops to Iraq. If Bush wins, it will be easier to say "no," but the war could expand to Iran.
Welcome: Allow us to Introduce Ourselves - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE
For decades, English speakers haven't had access to Europe's leading newsmagazine. DER SPIEGEL and the award-winning Web site SPIEGEL ONLINE, with their second-to-none news coverage, rich story mix and clear, sharp European view, were obscured by an unbreachable language barrier.
Until now.
Welcome: Allow us to Introduce Ourselves - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Until now.
Welcome: Allow us to Introduce Ourselves - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE
grpNiteroi's Blog
Greg's new blog:
grpNiteroi's Blog
grpNiteroi's Blog
The New York Times > Opinion > Chiller Theater
This really makes you scratch your head:
As the election draws near, the Bush campaign grows ever more irresponsible in its effort to scare Americans into believing that voting for John Kerry will bring on another terrorist attack. In Ohio on Tuesday, Vice President Dick Cheney said Mr. Kerry was incapable of understanding, much less acting on, the specter of terrorists' creeping into our cities with nuclear bombs "to threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans." Attorney General John Ashcroft was back in Washington, meanwhile, suggesting that God had spared America from an attack since 9/11 because President Bush's team was assisting "the hand of Providence."
The New York Times > Opinion > Chiller Theater
As the election draws near, the Bush campaign grows ever more irresponsible in its effort to scare Americans into believing that voting for John Kerry will bring on another terrorist attack. In Ohio on Tuesday, Vice President Dick Cheney said Mr. Kerry was incapable of understanding, much less acting on, the specter of terrorists' creeping into our cities with nuclear bombs "to threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans." Attorney General John Ashcroft was back in Washington, meanwhile, suggesting that God had spared America from an attack since 9/11 because President Bush's team was assisting "the hand of Providence."
The New York Times > Opinion > Chiller Theater
Kerry's day-after strategy: Don't react like Gore
Getting ready for the day after ...
Kerry wins prophetic kids poll
... listen to these kids!
email blog
Just testing the capabilities ...
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Germany rejects 'goosestep' image
Germany's foreign minister has urged British people to change their out-of-date opinion of his country. Joschka Fischer believes the negative view many Britons - especially young people - have of Germany is harming relations between the two nations.
He said the media was largely to blame for continuing an image of Germany as the land of the "Prussian goosestep".
Germany's foreign minister has urged British people to change their out-of-date opinion of his country. Joschka Fischer believes the negative view many Britons - especially young people - have of Germany is harming relations between the two nations.
He said the media was largely to blame for continuing an image of Germany as the land of the "Prussian goosestep".
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